Sitter Pro Details

  1. Download "Sitter Pro" in the Apple App or Google Play Store. (Tip: the logo is red with white text)!

  2. Open the app and tap register.

  3. Enter the email address we have on file for you, then create a password to use when logging in. You can change your email address to another one once you're in the app. (If you have any issues with this, let us know and we can double-check the email/account info). You can create a new account, but we are also happy to do this for you if needed.

  4. You’ll see your name and cell phone number already entered. Review to ensure it’s correct, then verify your phone number by entering the code sent via text. Once verified, you'll be taken to the home screen. You can tap 'Profile' and add or update your family details, addresses, family photo, emergency contacts, and payment method. Please make sure you review and update the info *ESPECIALLY ALLERGY INFO* and your emergency contact. It is very helpful if you add house notes and bedtime routines. ​

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